User Policies

Terms of use

Welcome to! These terms of use apply to you whether you’re registered on our site or just visiting it. By using our site (which includes browsing or using it in any way), you agree to follow these terms. We might make changes to the site or these terms, and those changes become effective when we post them. It’s your responsibility to check the terms whenever you use the site. We’re not responsible if the site is unavailable, and sometimes we might limit access to certain parts of it.

Before using the site, please read our User Commitment, Privacy Policy, Cookie Policy, and Community Guidelines. If you don’t want us to collect information about you or use cookies, let us know according to our policies.

Other policies to read before using the website

Before using our website, make sure to review our User Commitment, Privacy Policy, Cookie Policy, and Community Guidelines. If you prefer that we don’t collect your information or want to decline cookies, please follow the instructions outlined in our policies.

Related links

Privacy Notice

Cookie Notice

Code of Conduct

Complaint Form

Contact Us

External Contributors Policy

Community Guidelines

Competition Ts & Cs

User Commitment

Who owns the website? is owned and operated by Best Ergonomic Office Chairs UK Ltd. We’re based in Manchester, UK, with our address at #42 Gleneagles Road, Manchester M41 6LP, United Kingdom. You can reach us at +044 74111-38537 or via email at [email protected] and [email protected]. We reserve the right to suspend or terminate your access to our website if we believe you’re not following our terms.

Rights of use

All intellectual property rights, such as copyrights, in the content you can access or download from our website, including text, images, videos, audio, software, or any other form of content, belong to Best Ergonomic Office Chairs UK Ltd or our licensors. We reserve all rights to this content.

Your promise to us

When using and its content, remember that it’s for personal, non-commercial use only. You can view the content on your screen or print it once for personal use, but not for commercial purposes. Don’t download, copy, modify, or distribute the content without our written permission. Additionally, use the website and content lawfully, without infringing on others’ rights or causing harm. Respect copyright notices and don’t alter the content. If you want to republish or redistribute, contact us for permission.

By registering with us, you agree to:

  • Open a single account in your name
  • Use a suitable username that’s not offensive
  • Keep your login details secure
  • Provide your correct year of birth
  • Inform us of any unauthorized account use

As a registered user, you can access and update your details. If you wish to terminate your account, contact our customer service. We may suspend or terminate your registration if you breach our terms or guidelines or if there’s reported abuse. Don’t attempt to re-register without permission during a suspension.

What should I know about how you use my personal data?

For details on how we handle your personal data, please refer to our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy. These policies outline what information we collect from you and how we utilize it. Our commitment to you, the viewer, ensures that we handle your personal information transparently, making sure you’re always comfortable with our practices in this regard.

Links from other sites

We allow third parties to link to articles on our website by using the URL and mentioning the headline and source website. However, they must not reproduce our content on their site without our permission. Any third party linking to our site must make it clear that our site is separate from theirs unless they have our written approval. We reserve the right to revoke permission for links if we find them excessive or inappropriate. Additionally, we may change the location of files on our site without notice, so it’s the responsibility of the third party to keep their links updated. Deep-linking, framing, or enclosing parts of our website is not allowed.

Trademarks and Intellectual Property

The logo is a registered trademark and part of our intellectual property. You must obtain our prior written permission before using this mark.

Limitation of liability and indemnity

At, we gather information from various sources to provide content that may interest our users. While we take reasonable care, we can’t guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of the content. We don’t endorse views or opinions expressed on our site or on linked websites. Any interactions with third parties are at your own risk, and we’re not liable for them.

Our content is for general information, not specific advice. Always verify important information independently, especially regarding medical, financial, or legal matters. We don’t promise freedom from viruses or compatibility with all systems. We’re not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, so seek professional advice for financial decisions.

Advertisements on our site are the responsibility of the advertisers. We’re not liable for any losses or damages unless caused directly by our negligence resulting in personal injury or death. We don’t cover consequential or incidental damages.

Your exclusive remedy for damages related to our site is limited to the amount paid for the content. You agree to indemnify us for any claims arising from your breach of these terms or your negligence.

Links to third party sites

Our website,, includes links to other websites that are operated independently from us. You can identify these third-party links because they open new browser windows or are clearly marked as such. These links are provided for your convenience, but please be aware that you access them at your own risk. We cannot be held responsible for the content, operation, or availability of these third-party websites.

Additionally, we participate in the Amazon EU Associates Programme, which means we may earn advertising fees by linking to


Additionally, apart from the previous terms, we have links to third-party sites that are “co-branded.” These sites are operated by third parties we have a business relationship with. If you decide to make purchases or engage in financial transactions on a co-branded site, you’ll be entering into an agreement with that third-party operator. They will ask for your personal and financial information, including bank or credit card details. Each third-party operator has their own terms, conditions, and privacy policy. It’s your responsibility to consent or decline their use of your personal data. While we choose our partners carefully, we can’t be held responsible for any losses or damages resulting from your interactions with them.

We also occasionally organize competitions, prize draws, or promotions either on our own or with partners. These will have additional rules and conditions that will be provided when the competition is announced. For more details, refer to the Competition terms and conditions.

Regarding your content, please review our contributor terms. By submitting material for potential publication on our website, you agree to be legally bound by those terms immediately. If you don’t agree, please refrain from contributing or offering material for publication.

Lastly, by accessing our website, you agree that these terms are governed by English law. Any disputes related to these terms or your use of the website will be exclusively handled by the English Courts.